Harassment and bullying in the workplace 

Harassment and bullying in the workplace - Centric HR

Harassment and bullying remain significant workplace issues despite increasing awareness of the problem. Typical harassment and bullying behaviours range from unwelcome remarks and persistent unwarranted criticism to unwanted physical contact and shouting. Recipients of these inappropriate behaviours are more likely to experience anxiety, stress and a loss of confidence. Recently in the news, Tesla, the […]

The benefits of a Salary Sacrifice Scheme 

The benefits of a Salary Sacrifice Scheme - Centric HR HR Consultants

Sacrificing your salary may not sound all that tempting to some but in actual fact it can make perfect financial sense. The benefits of a Salary Sacrifice Scheme enables employees to mutually agree to exchange part of their salary for a non-cash benefit from their employer, that then does not attract Tax and/or National Insurance […]

Late payments to employees

Incorrect and late payments to employees

When a contract is signed between an employer and employee, this is a legal agreement that the employee will execute the duties assigned, and the employer will pay for these services. Pretty easy arrangement, right? Sadly, there are many businesses that compensate staff later then the agreed date. Late payments to employees whatever the reason, can cause […]

Employee motivation – Get the best out of your employees in the summer

Employee Motivation - Get the best out of your employees in the summer

A manager is there to get the best out of their employees, but when the sun is blazing it’s guaranteed that concentration will lower, and there will be longing looks out of the window. So, as a manager and a business, what is the best way to keep employee motivation levels up when the sun […]