How does coaching improve performance in the workplace?

Coaching your employees is a great way to approach improving both the individual performance of your employees and the overall performance of your business. However, some companies still seem to question whether the investment in a performance coaching programme is cost effective. Centric HR is here to explain how coaching can improve performance within the […]
How long can you be on sick leave before dismissal in the UK?

When on sick leave, the last thing you want to be stressing about is whether your employer will dismiss you for not being at work, and what your legal rights are regarding sick leave. In this article, Centric HR will explain whether you can be dismissed as a result of sickness, as well as whether […]
Centric HR – 2 years on, 3 years trading

I simply cannot believe where the time has gone…in fact there was no time to write Year 2 blog! My first blog at the helm of Centric HR at the end of the first Year, mentioned that going into business could be a little daunting, but I was on a journey of enlightenment which turned […]
12 benefits of outsourcing your HR

There comes a point when every small, growing company needs to seriously consider areas of special expertise to be handled by someone who has skills in specialist areas. One of these areas is the HR function, so we have compiled a list of 12 benefits of outsourcing your HR to specialist practitioner like us here […]