What is strategic reward management and why is it important?

Strategic reward management is an important part of any business, especially if you want to attract and retain hard working employees. In this blog, Centric HR will explain what exactly strategic reward management is as well as the benefits of implementing a strategic reward strategy in your business. So, what is strategic reward management and […]
How does coaching improve performance in the workplace?

Coaching your employees is a great way to approach improving both the individual performance of your employees and the overall performance of your business. However, some companies still seem to question whether the investment in a performance coaching programme is cost effective. Centric HR is here to explain how coaching can improve performance within the […]
How long can you be on sick leave before dismissal in the UK?

When on sick leave, the last thing you want to be stressing about is whether your employer will dismiss you for not being at work, and what your legal rights are regarding sick leave. In this article, Centric HR will explain whether you can be dismissed as a result of sickness, as well as whether […]
Can the Owner of a Company be HR?

With limited resources, the owner of a small business may be tempted to take on various administrative roles themselves to save money, but what about HR? Are owners allowed to be their own HR function? In this article, we discuss the legitimacy of business owners being HR, and who can actually be HR within a […]
The benefits of a HR Fixed Price Package

Outsourcing HR services through a Fixed Price Package is a cost-effective way to have your own HR department as an extension to your business, whilst having the benefits of your own HR manager who is fully equipped with specialist skills, at a fraction of the cost. The benefits of this kind of retained service will […]
Workplace diversity

Workplace diversity is a common topic of conversation among employers, hiring managers and recruitment professionals. But diversity and inclusion in the workplace isn’t just a hiring fad; and over the years it has become less a case of simply factoring in age, gender and race, and more about hiring a wider range of people to […]
Managing drug and alcohol misuse at work

Employers have a legal duty to protect employees’ health, safety and welfare. Understanding and managing drug and alcohol misuse at work (or abuse) will help companies to promote health and safety in their workplace and to develop a policy to deal with drug and alcohol-related problems and support their employees. Whilst most organisations have specific drug […]
Centric HR – 2 years on, 3 years trading

I simply cannot believe where the time has gone…in fact there was no time to write Year 2 blog! My first blog at the helm of Centric HR at the end of the first Year, mentioned that going into business could be a little daunting, but I was on a journey of enlightenment which turned […]
12 benefits of outsourcing your HR

There comes a point when every small, growing company needs to seriously consider areas of special expertise to be handled by someone who has skills in specialist areas. One of these areas is the HR function, so we have compiled a list of 12 benefits of outsourcing your HR to specialist practitioner like us here […]
The benefits of HR Analytics

“HR analytics is the application of statistics, modelling, and analysis of employee-related factors to improve business outcomes”. Sound confusing? Lets explain what it is and how this invaluable tool can benefit your business. Its grown in popularity over the last decade as companies are realising they need to embrace a data driven culture to succeed in retaining the best, driven […]
Managing high-risk HR

High-risk HR is not a phrase that any business owner wants to hear, especially when it is in relation to their own company. So how does a business reduce the chance of high-risk HR situations? Your hard work has created a business that you can be proud of, and as the business has grown so […]