What is strategic reward management and why is it important?

Strategic reward management is an important part of any business, especially if you want to attract and retain hard working employees. In this blog, Centric HR will explain what exactly strategic reward management is as well as the benefits of implementing a strategic reward strategy in your business. So, what is strategic reward management and […]
How long can you be on sick leave before dismissal in the UK?

When on sick leave, the last thing you want to be stressing about is whether your employer will dismiss you for not being at work, and what your legal rights are regarding sick leave. In this article, Centric HR will explain whether you can be dismissed as a result of sickness, as well as whether […]
Employers – Key changes in April 2022

There has been a number of legislation changes introduced this month including; Minimum Wage, Statutory Redundancy, Tribunal Awards, Fit Note Digitalisation, Digital Right To Work Checks and Apprenticeships. Here is our guide to what you need to know and do as an employer to ensure compliance: Minimum Wage (1st April) From 1st April 2022, national […]
3 simple avenues to hire new staff

Hiring new staff can sometimes be challenging. How and where do you find the right people? In this article, we outline 3 great ways to hire new staff that you may not have considered before, and include a handy checklist for hiring employees, in case you’re new to the recruitment process. What are the best […]
Can the Owner of a Company be HR?

With limited resources, the owner of a small business may be tempted to take on various administrative roles themselves to save money, but what about HR? Are owners allowed to be their own HR function? In this article, we discuss the legitimacy of business owners being HR, and who can actually be HR within a […]
Can an employer call your doctor?

As an employee, it can sometimes be difficult to know what your rights are, and what your employer is legally allowed to do. When it comes to medical information and activities, knowing your rights is even more important as this involves sensitive, private information. In this article, we let you know what your rights are […]
Harassment and bullying in the workplace

Harassment and bullying remain significant workplace issues despite increasing awareness of the problem. Typical harassment and bullying behaviours range from unwelcome remarks and persistent unwarranted criticism to unwanted physical contact and shouting. Recipients of these inappropriate behaviours are more likely to experience anxiety, stress and a loss of confidence. Recently in the news, Tesla, the […]
Workplace diversity

Workplace diversity is a common topic of conversation among employers, hiring managers and recruitment professionals. But diversity and inclusion in the workplace isn’t just a hiring fad; and over the years it has become less a case of simply factoring in age, gender and race, and more about hiring a wider range of people to […]
Managing drug and alcohol misuse at work

Employers have a legal duty to protect employees’ health, safety and welfare. Understanding and managing drug and alcohol misuse at work (or abuse) will help companies to promote health and safety in their workplace and to develop a policy to deal with drug and alcohol-related problems and support their employees. Whilst most organisations have specific drug […]
How we coped during lockdown

Pictured above: Emerging from lockdown (left to right); Sandra Berns, Amy Richardson and Helen Watkins. When I launched Centric HR in October 2016, amongst the excitement and trepidation, I realised the upcoming years would be full of highs and lows and also various challenges which we would embrace and learn from…never in my wildest dreams did I […]
An Outsourced HR Business Partner is more important than ever right now

In these unprecedented times, it is hard to know which way to turn and which format will work for your business. Whether large or small, companies need guidance and help and right now you need more than just someone that can get by in HR. An outsourced HR business partner could be just what you […]
January blues

Well, its that time of year…. Christmas is over for another year; finances were stretched for most to provide a perfect family break…but did we go too far in this pursue of perfection? January is on record for being the longest, toughest month for finances, mental health and bouncing back from the much-needed break we […]
How to attract the best candidates

The talent pool has all levels of candidates within it, but you want to make sure that you get the best ones for your business. There is no magic that provides you with 5 brilliant people knocking on your door, you need to make your company shine, so those brilliant people come to you. What’s […]
Late payments to employees

When a contract is signed between an employer and employee, this is a legal agreement that the employee will execute the duties assigned, and the employer will pay for these services. Pretty easy arrangement, right? Sadly, there are many businesses that compensate staff later then the agreed date. Late payments to employees whatever the reason, can cause […]
Brexit – Don’t panic Mr Mainwaring!

I am sorry that I am bringing up the B word. It is now something that people are frightened to mention at this time. Passions are high and fury abundant with some, but Brexit is an unfortunate issue that needs to be discussed, to ensure that our businesses are in a position to continue trading […]