Culture and Values Development
Culture is the character and personality of your organisation. This is what makes your business unique, what makes it thrive and in turn, sums up all of it’s core values, traditions, beliefs, interactions, behaviours and attitudes. This is why a culture and values development strategy is really important.
Positive workplace culture attracts the right talent and not only drives engagement but impacts happiness and satisfaction, and affects performance overall. The personality of your business is influenced by a number of important issues. Leadership, management, workplace practices, policies and people will all impact culture significantly.
Your company values provide a sense of connection and clarity for your employees and can best be described as your internal “brand”. If you want to improve motivation within your team then the answer is found within the relationships of the team and its members.
Cultural factors have been shown time and time again to have a positive influence on the health and happiness of employees. This then influences a good work-life balance, a sense of control, positive and respectful relationships with peers, superiors and clients, a sense of fairness, a sense of fun and also access to support when needed.
Identify and embed shared values.
Engage with staff and people who need support.
Tap into discretionary effort.
Build local networks and links within the community.
Encourage shared responsibiliy.
Invest in training, learning and development.
Benefits of Culture and Values Development
The benefits of identifying your culture and values can mean a clearer identity for your business which will in turn, help attract and retain great talent. It will provide a more dedicated and committed workforce that want to work harder because employees can visibly live the values and be advocates to your customers.
This can be the basis of your on-boarding sessions and can be designed around your values whilst giving a framework to measure performance which then supports Line Managers in their varied roles. It enables employees together to create more cohesive teams and when implemented and embedded effectively can improve performance and employee engagement.
"An organisations culture is the product of its values, expectations and environment.”
Centric HR will support you in improving your culture by utilising employee engagement workshops, techniques and surveys to identify a business’s needs and work with your company to identify the values most important to you, the Board and your employees.
We offer this through consultancy sessions with senior leaders and also a variety of workshops with employees. We organise employee data reviews and develop implementation plans, tools and tips on how to change behaviours within an organisation and also recruitment and attraction tools that will support employing the right people who fit with your companies values, existing ethics and more importantly, future plans and progression.
For more information on how we can help your organisation with Culture and Values Development please…