Employee Health and Wellbeing
Employee health and wellbeing is an area many businesses recognise as crucial to sustained growth. Healthy and well-motivated employees can have a positive impact on the productivity and effectiveness of a business, which in turn creates a positive wellbeing feeling.

This can have immense physical benefits as well as mental, with employees more likely to adopt and maintain healthier habits when feeling positive and motivated. By making simple changes, we can all lower our health risks, which in turn lowers our chance of chronic disease and therefore absence from work.
Employee health and wellbeing is about more than physiological or mental ill health – it’s about optimising the health of all employees, not just reducing the numbers of staff who are diagnosed with medical conditions. Employee wellbeing also extends beyond health, and into happiness as well, and job satisfaction.
In the UK, for example, nearly 1 in 7 people experience mental health issues in the workplace. It’s imperative that staff wellbeing is taken seriously. After all, everyone wins when a workforce is happy and engaged and morale is high and job-satisfaction secured. As a result, productivity soars, sales increase, and sick-leave is kept to a minimum.
"Employees who believe that management are concerned about them as people not just as employees are more satisfied, productive and fulfilled."
At Centric HR we have assisted many organisations with health and wellbeing initiatives in the workforce by providing the following service provisions…
We partner with BHSF who offer a full range of Occupational Health services for employers.
Training for line managers on good quality employee welfare discussions, advising on line management sickness absence management and having those sometimes, difficult conversation.
Review of Health and Wellbeing practice and report on recommendations for improvement.
Marketing on healthy lifestyles and creating a culture of healthy living in the workplace.
Advice and guidance on dealing with workplace stress and mental health matters.
Developing a code of conduct to improve behaviours at work.
Review of workplace health metrics to understand trends and provide objective and business focused solutions.
Communication is key
We feel that two way communicate is imperative in dealing with health and well being. Poor communication can be a significant cause of stress. Levels of staff wellbeing and engagement will be negatively affected if staff feel:
- Overloaded with information they cannot process.
- Excluded from key knowledge and conversations.
- Unable to feed their views upwards.
Where communication is clear, open, effective, manageable and responsive, staff will be able to access all the information they need to do their job while avoiding overload.
For more information and help with Employee Health and Wellbeing please…